Archives of Neurosurgery
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2024)
Archives of Neurosurgery: The Scientific Home of Neurosurgery. The creation of the Unique Diamond-Open Access Journal in Neurosurgery with an author-friendly advisory peer-reviewing and publishing policy within reach of everyone in the world… born from the ashes of a World-Chaos.
José Alberto Israel Romero Rangel, Fiacro Jiménez Ponce, and José Antonio Soriano Sánchez
High-Grade AVM. Educational Vignette and Clinical Cases
Marcos Devanir Silva da Costa, Marcelo Augusto Acosta Goiri, Daniela Coelho, Juan Alberto Paz Archila, Talita Helena Martins Sarti, and Feres Chaddad-Neto
Microendoscopic Versus Open discectomy for the Treatment of Extruded Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Comparative Cohort Study
Juan Guapo Mendoza, Antonio Guapo Mendoza, Juan Arturo Muciño Mercado, Sonia Melisa Juarez, Arturo Gonzalez, and Vianney Guapo Ortiz
Misdiagnosis between coccygeal dislocation fracture and lumbosacral disc herniation
Gilberto Gardea-Loera, Gilberto Gardea-Ramírez, and Ylián Ramírez-Tapia
Extraforaminal Minimally Invasive Lumbar Conjoined Nerve Root Decompression And Segment Fusion: Surgical Technique, Case Report And Literature Review
Manuel Rodríguez García, José Antonio Soriano Sánchez, Sergio Soriano Solis, Oscar Sánchez Escandón, and Iris Tatiana Montes González
A combination of glossopharyngeal and trigeminal neuralgia secondary to COVID-19: case report.
Mauro Alberto Segura-Lozano, Adriana Fernanda Segura-Zenón, Alejandro González-Silva, Octavio Carranza-Rentería, Yael Rodrigo Torres-Torres, and Aarón Giovanni Munguía-Rodríguez