
Archives of Neurosurgery

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Traumatic injuries of the common peroneal nerve and current surgical strategies for improving foot drop. A clinical series and literature review.
Carlos Alberto Rodríguez Aceves, María Elena Córdoba Mosqueda, Racob Alberto García Velazco, Humberto González Ugalde, Héctor Antonio Soriano Solís, Fabiola Estela Elizabeth Ortega Ponce, and Kartik G. Krishnan


Intrasellar Neurocytoma. A Case Report & Literature Review
Gabriel Carrillo-Marhx, Mariana Flores-Núñez Dr., Basilio Fernández-Alvarado Dr., Pedro Pablo De Juambelz-Cisneros Dr., and Fernando Pazos-Gómez Dr.


Why the neurosurgeon should apply the concepts of neuroethics in their daily clinical practice
Miguel Antonio Sandoval Balanzario, Lizbeth Itzel Sandoval Olivares, Noe Santiago Ramírez, and Noe Santiago Rea


Suprameatal tubercle classification; its implementation on clinical cases
Humberto Reyna Mendez, Jose Alfredo Espinosa Mora, Laura Ubaldo Reyes, Alberto Angeles Castellanos, Ignacio Mora Magaña, Mauro Alberto Segura Lozano, Rachel Blue, John YK Lee, and Diego Mendez Rosito


Microendoscopic Versus Open discectomy for the Treatment of Extruded Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Comparative Cohort Study
Juan Guapo Mendoza, Antonio Guapo Mendoza, Juan Arturo Muciño Mercado, Sonia Melisa Juarez, Arturo Gonzalez, and Vianney Guapo Ortiz


Microvascular Decompression for Hemifacial Spasm: Surgical Technical nuances and results after 300 microvascular decompression surgeries
Rogelio Revuelta Gutiérrez, Miguel Vega-Arroyo, Olivia L. Vales-Hidalgo, Cynthia E. López-Rafael, Jesús Martínez-Manrique, and Sergio Moreno Jiménez


Neurosurgical Praxis Guidelines during the COVID-19 Outbreak. Consensus-based on currently available literature.
José Antonio Soriano Sánchez, Bárbara Nettel Rueda, José Alberto Israel Romero Rangel, Armando Alpizar Aguirre, Miguel Ángel Andrade-Ramos, Ulises García Dr., Diego Mendez Rosito, Jorge A. Santos, Sara Patricia Pérez Reyes, Julian Eduardo Soto Abraham, Jose E. Valerio Pascua, Marco Antonio Barajas Romero, Eduardo Díaz Juárez, Alma Griselda Ramírez Reyes, Maria Elena Gonzalez, Claudia Katiutska González Valdez, Félix Domínguez Cortinas, Noé Santiago Ramírez, Tenoch Herrada Pineda, Manuel Eduardo Soto García, Edgar Nathal Vera, and Gustavo Melo Guzmán


Endoscopic–assisted surgery for cerebello pontine angle pathology: Technical note and surgical results in a series of patients
Jaime Jesus Martinez Anda, Pablo David Guerrero Suarez, Diego Pineda Martínez, Rafael Avendaño Pradel, Ernesto Javier Jurado Delgado, Ricardo Santiago Villlagrana Sánchez, Juan Carlos Cisneros Lesser, Carolina De la Llata Segura, and Rogelio Revuelta Gutiérrez

* Based on the average number of full-text downloads per day since the paper was posted.
» Updated as of 03/05/25.