Content Posted in 2021
Endoscopic–assisted surgery for cerebello pontine angle pathology: Technical note and surgical results in a series of patients, Jaime Jesus Martinez Anda, Pablo David Guerrero Suarez, Diego Pineda Martínez, Rafael Avendaño Pradel, Ernesto Javier Jurado Delgado, Ricardo Santiago Villlagrana Sánchez, Juan Carlos Cisneros Lesser, Carolina De la Llata Segura, and Rogelio Revuelta Gutiérrez
Minimally Invasive Non-Expansile Tubular Extradural Posterior Fossa Decompression (MINTED Technique) for the management of Chiari I.5 Malformation: Historical Overview of Surgical Techniques, Technical Note, Proof of Concept, Illustrative Case and Case Series. Lesser is Better, José Alberto Israel Romero Rangel, Manuel Eduardo Soto García, Sergio Soriano Solís, Carlos Raúl Rangel Morales, Gerson Reyes Rodríguez, and José Antonio Soriano Sánchez
Neurosurgical Praxis Guidelines during the COVID-19 Outbreak. Consensus-based on currently available literature., José Antonio Soriano Sánchez, Bárbara Nettel Rueda, José Alberto Israel Romero Rangel, Armando Alpizar Aguirre, Miguel Ángel Andrade-Ramos, Ulises García Dr., Diego Mendez Rosito, Jorge A. Santos, Sara Patricia Pérez Reyes, Julian Eduardo Soto Abraham, Jose E. Valerio Pascua, Marco Antonio Barajas Romero, Eduardo Díaz Juárez, Alma Griselda Ramírez Reyes, Maria Elena Gonzalez, Claudia Katiutska González Valdez, Félix Domínguez Cortinas, Noé Santiago Ramírez, Tenoch Herrada Pineda, Manuel Eduardo Soto García, Edgar Nathal Vera, and Gustavo Melo Guzmán
“PRIMUM NON NOCERE”, THE ROLE OF RESEARCH IN MEETING THIS PRIMARY OBJECTIVE IN NEUROSURGICAL PRAXIS., José Antonio Soriano Sánchez, Fiacro Jiménez Ponce, and José Alberto Israel Romero Rangel
Suprameatal tubercle classification; its implementation on clinical cases, Humberto Reyna Mendez, Jose Alfredo Espinosa Mora, Laura Ubaldo Reyes, Alberto Angeles Castellanos, Ignacio Mora Magaña, Mauro Alberto Segura Lozano, Rachel Blue, John YK Lee, and Diego Mendez Rosito
The Pipeline Endovascular Device versus the Flow Re-Direction Endoluminal Device for Cerebral Aneurysm. A One-Year Follow-up in a Single-Center Experience, Omar Pichardo, Alan Picazo, Omar Castillon, Jonathan Zuniga, and Gustavo Alan Juarez Jimenez
The sellar barrier’s: an important new concept in pituitary surgery., Juan F. Villalonga and ALVARO CAMPERO
Traumatic injuries of the common peroneal nerve and current surgical strategies for improving foot drop. A clinical series and literature review., Carlos Alberto Rodríguez Aceves, María Elena Córdoba Mosqueda, Racob Alberto García Velazco, Humberto González Ugalde, Héctor Antonio Soriano Solís, Fabiola Estela Elizabeth Ortega Ponce, and Kartik G. Krishnan
Validation of the Distress Thermometer in a Mexican population with brain tumors: A Diagnostic Accuracy Study, Dan Morgenstern-Kaplan, Sergio Moreno-Jiménez, Fernanda Páez-Plascencia, Angel Ruiz-Chow, and Fabiola Flores-Vázquez